Monday, December 27, 2021

12 Days of Gratefulness Day 3 by MrsB, RCane, KimB

[Editor's Note]

During these many months of COVID19, it is sometimes difficult to remember that Good Things Still Happen.

We would like share some of our Good Things both the profound and the mundane, hoping some of them might bring joy to your own lives.

Wishing all a happy, fun and safe holiday season.

MrsB, RCane, KimB

Day 3

Living 99 years in extraordinary good health

My Brother.

R. Cane has a sense of humor bigger than the Pacific Ocean. Mr Punster can go none stop and side splitting laughs are a result. Sometimes it seems that we are far apart in views and temperament but this is only an illusion, because we are the same in all ways that count.

His music flows from within and contains a quality that is ephemeral. It's star light and fire works, filling the world with sounds of harmony and beauty. The sounds remain with you as a reminder that there is beauty to be found if you just listen for it.

1 comment:

Michael Hausman said...

Wishing each of you the very best in the coming year.