Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Cat and the Quilt by KimB

[Editor's note: This story was written by KimB]

We have a lovely gray tabby cat we call "Princess Zazu" or "Zazu" for short. She came to us about 10 years ago via an animal shelter event at Pet Smart in Monterey, CA. She is a bit different from other cats we've had and that says a lot because as Cat People will tell you, "Cats Are Just Different".

Zazu picked my husband Allen from all the people checking out the animals that day. I say she picked him because when he went to her cage, she immediately came forward to be petted thru the bars. When he moved on to look at the other cats, she retreated to the back of her cage and I watched as other potential owners looked in on her but she stayed in the back. Each time Allen returned to her cage she came forward again. We continued our shopping and returned to the rescue area and she was still there. I told Allen to go see her by himself and see if she reacted the same way. Sure enough, as soon as Allen approached her cage she came forward again and our fates have been linked ever since.

Zazu has been a wonderful and unusual addition to the house and continues to surprise us every day. Like many cats she is a unique individual and has her own way of doing things and getting things done for her. One thing that is constant, is her attachment to Allen. She likes me too of course but if she has a choice, Allen will be it. And if truth be told, Allen is very flattered by her cat-winning-ways, even when she's in a "mood" and "wants to be left alone", she will curl up near Allen and "complain" (meows) if he moves too far away from her.

Allen and Zazu napping on the
Holiday Quilt @2001
About the same time we acquired Zazu, my mother sent me a Christmas quilt. It is a charming simple quilt with holiday motifs on both sides. When Allen took a nap, Zazu would follow suit and would curl up with him and they would have their siesta time together.

For many years I had the quilt on the bed at holiday time and would change it for other quilts as the seasons passed. A few years back, I purchased a bedding set from a department store, one of those high fashion decorator sets with matching sheets and comforter top. The holiday quilt was put away in favor of the store bought set which I thought would be more durable for daily use.

It wasn't long after that we noticed that Zazu didn't sleep or nap on the bed anymore. On a rare occasion she would get on the bed but she preferred to sleep in other areas of the house. As with many cats, she had her napping zones in many places: the left-side of the couch, the window sill, the cat-perch, on the floor near Allen when he's working on the PC and she even comes to snooze with me when I'm upstairs on my PC but she rarely got on the bed. Being humans and not speaking CAT, we decided that she had just found other places she preferred

Zazu on the Holiday Quilt 2010
This year I decided to put the Holiday quilt on the bed again. As soon as I got the quilt out of the chest where it was kept, Zazu came to watch. Allen helped me, as we put away the Industrial Strength Quilt and placed the Holiday quilt on the bed. As soon as it was it in place, Zazu jumped on the bed and plopped down in the middle! She gave us one long look each, as if to say, "Gosh, humans are dumb! Took you long enough to get this back where it belongs!" Then she rolled on to her side and fell asleep.

Zazu on her Holiday Quilt 2010
Now when we look for Zazu, the first place we check is the bed with the Holiday quilt on it and 9 times out of 10, she will be curled up on it fast asleep. She has resumed taking naps with Allen and at bedtime, she leads the way so she can sleep on the quilt with her two humans.

Zazu and her Holiday Quilt 2010
I don't know why Zazu likes this quilt above all others but I think it is because this quilt was made with love. The quilt radiates the good cheer and happiness that were put into it when it was created. I think Zazu has a special ability to detect this "quilt happiness aura" and in her own way tried to tell us this. She enjoys sharing it with her humans and I'm glad that we finally understood what she wanted to tell us.

Zazu and the Holiday Quilt 2010
Zazu and the Holiday Quilt 2010


Anonymous said...

What a delightful holiday story!

Anonymous said...

Marvelous!!! Great writing, and such a purr-fect cat tail .... err .. tale ;)

All us cat lovers appreciate and understand the truth in this story ... thanks for sharing !