Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Christmas Lights of Mexico City by KimB

[Editor's Note: This story was written by KimB]

Our friends, Lou and Paula had a house on the outskirts of Mexico City. As they were far from a bus stop, Paula had learned how to drive and used her 1939 Packard to make the rounds of friends to take them to the parties that where held at their home on the weekends.

They were wonderful people and I enjoyed being with them. Paula spoke excellent English and didn't scold me too often about my Spanish. She was very patient and kind. And while I was very young they didn't exclude me too often from their parties or gatherings. It was always a treat when Mom would say, “We're going to Lou and Paula's this weekend.”

Paula would wield this giant car around Mexico City and thru the narrow side streets to pick up friends. After the party was over, Paula would drive everyone home again. It was a team effort: Lou and Paula always together. Paula would drive, Lou sat “shotgun” and everyone else would be piled into the back seat which could easily handle the crowd and then some.

There had been an enormous highway project to put an expressway around all of Mexico City. It had taken years to make the “ring” but at last it was finished. It was called the “Periférico” and Paula soon learned that it was faster to drive the Ring around the city than to drive across it.

It was during the holiday season and late at night when Lou and Paula took us home after a party. As usual, we sat in the back while Paula guided the Tank along the high speed expressway. We were chatting about what a lovely evening it was and about other holiday events coming up. Paula noted that even the City had gotten into the holiday spirit by putting up wonderful Christmas lights.

Neither my Mom nor I had seen these lights, so we asked Paula where we could go to see them? She replied that they were everywhere! So we looked out the windows and tried to spot these holiday decorations but to no avail.

“Paula, where are these lights?” Mom asked. “I don't see them.”

“Why right there!” She replied. “Right in front of us. See: Red and Green. They are all along the highway! So festive! It's lovely that they decorated the road for Christmas!”

Even Lou sputtered a bit, as Paula was pointing to the Stop Lights that marked the infrequent intersections.

Lou, patient as always, explained that stop lights weren't decorations and if she saw a green light she could go thru the intersection and if she saw a red light she was to stop until it turned green. Paula thought we were pulling her leg! But Lou finally convinced her that she should stop for the Red Lights.

Ever since, I cannot look at Stop Lights without thinking about what wonderful Christmas Decorations they are: even in July.

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