Saturday, August 06, 2011

Body Modification and Enhancement

Tonight the television broadcast a warning of infection to those with breast implants. It wasn't too long ago the news carried horror stories of implants gone wrong, but the only worry these days is infection.

Our culture permits all manner of body modifications and enhancements. The more benign methods of dying hair, shaving legs, growing beards, wearing rouge, powder and mascara and piercing ears is so universal we don't consider them to be detrimental.

It seems as if humans have always wanted to change our bodies. Cranial deformation was practiced by Egyptians. Nefertiti and Tutankhamen had a modest deformation in comparison to the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas. The Chinese bound the feet of women for over a thousand years and was only abolished in 1949 by the communists.

Status and religion are both rationals for extreme modifications. Today there are segments of society that practice genital mutilation by both men and women for religious purposes.

Body piercing and tattooing is popular with men and women, sometimes carried to the extreme. Silicone injections in the lips, cheeks, and chin along with other sub-dermal implants are readily available for those who want them. Facelifts, nose surgery and botox are no longer thought of as unusual.

Heaven forbid that our character lines aka wrinkles should show signs of aging.

Just a bit lower now

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