Wednesday, August 03, 2011

So How Does YOUR Garden Grow?


My kitchen counter in back of the water faucets and along the side of my microwave is filled to capacity with tiny containers of water with avocado seeds punctured with toothpicks to keep the upper half of the seed above water.

My penchant for saving seeds and trying to propagate them has to end! To tell the truth, I really don't have any intention of planting them because it would mean 'work'. I'm against that word and try not to use it. I will, in all probability, try to give the rooted seeds away, or barring that, just toss them.

The outdoor spider plants are thriving and looking good despite the 100 (and plus) degree days we have been having . The Christmas cactus is also flourishing.


In My Garden

I have read with interest the way some people tend to their gardens. For many years, I have helped to plant and weed in them, since I was old enough to know the difference between a vegetable plant and a common weed. Also, to know a weed can grow much faster than most of the plants we put into the garden.

The first I can remember was when we lived in Iowa Falls. My Grandfather A took over the job of the garden when he and Grandmother A came to live with us. He had a wonderful garden with everything that made our meals so very good. He would have us help to weed out the rows and there was one year I can remember, where he promised we could pick out the cantaloupe we wanted. We just had to weed out one row when ever it was needed. And he always kept each row neat and clean so there was not too much to do when he said he needed us to get the weeds out. With the eight of us children it did not take long to do the weeding and most of the time it was a game to see who could get done first or who had the most weeds to throw on the compost pile.

I also remember when it came time to pick the cantaloupe, every one of us could not eat it at the Sunday dinner Mom had. That night we ate fried chicken, mash potatoes, green peas, buttered carrots, hot biscuits and gravy. Then came the desert which was strawberry cake with real whip cream. All the cantaloupes were still in their serving dish on the counter in the kitchen.

I think of all the gardens and how much work they needed brings back some good memories. When I had some time to enjoy having nice veggies to eat. They were all so good to have when the weather was great.

Today, I spend most of my time looking at catalogs of flowers and vegetables. The pictures all look perfect. When I go to the store, I pick the ones I want to eat for supper. I just love to eat fresh corn cooked with baby butter beans. Finding the "just right" tomatoes, selecting the cucumbers and bell peppers, is so nice. It is a plus to have any vegetable I want in a nice clean area and in a comfortable place, summer or winter.

It is really my age that tells me I have to have my garden delivered to me. I do miss having one to work in.

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