Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So How Does YOUR Garden Grow?


Years ago, gardening was a way of life. We lived in a rural area in Iowa and everything we grew was used in some way or other. Starting with spring planting and ending with either eating it fresh from the garden or canning for future use in the winter months. We didn’t know what store bought was about. Today if we didn’t have stores we would go hungry.

The garden we have this year is pitiful.

Stating with our winter that wouldn’t go away. The stores that supplied the plants had a terrible time keeping them alive. Finally waiting until they were sure the cold was over to stock again.

Now I’m not saying that was the start of our bad luck, but it surly factored in.

We have eight tomato plants that look ok but only three have tomatoes on them. We have three cucumber plants not one cuke on any of them. My water melon and cantaloupe plants are growing and have blossoms, but the bees must be on strike and not pollinating. The hot pepper plants are producing but are small. My bells are growing small ones as well. The cilantro we bought this year and the volunteer wannabe ones from 2 years ago are growing all over the garden. The green bean plants are doing good we’ve had a couple meals with those. The corn looks about 6ft tall no corn as of yet. The grape plants lost a lot of their fruit because of the cold. The blackberry plants are spreading out , but no fruit. My apples are still growing. We still have our hopes on apple pies in the fall.

This is the first year my garden has failed me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmm mmm mmmm apple pies ... there IS hope yet... sounds like a wee bit o light at the end of the tunnel.

Enjoyed the story !! We love your posts!