Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Recipe Box: Roasted Garlic Artichokes

Roasted Garlic Artichokes
From the recipe box of KimB

One of our local restaurants serves a wonder dish of grilled artichokes. I have always eaten artichokes steamed with dipping sauce but this was so delicious that I had to make my own version.

The artichokes are steamed first then placed in an hot oven with olive oil and garlic and herbs until everything is nice and hot. The heat will take down the “bite” of the fresh garlic. The result is an artichoke that needs no additional dipping sauce but you will need to lick your fingers to get all the tasty juices that drip from the choke.

steamed artichokes
fresh minced or slivered garlic
dried Italian herbs – basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano
olive oil
aluminum foil
1. Set oven to broil
2. Cut the steamed artichokes in half – lengthwise
3. Make a "tray" from the foil and set inside an oven ready dish
4. Drizzel a small amount of olive oil in the bottom of the foil
5. Place the artichoke halves in the foil tray – cut side up
6. Drizzle olive oil over the artichokes so that it can seep into the petals
7. Sprinkle the garlic, herbs and salt over the top of each choke
8. Place the dish in the oven for 10-15 minutes or until the chokes are hot and the garlic softened.

There is no way to eat these without getting messy. The oil mixture will drip from the petals as you pull them apart. If you don't like the dripping oil on your hands you can use some disposable plastic hand gloves available from Walmart or Costco.

Roasted Garlic Artichokes

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