Friday, October 30, 2009

At the Lake Part 7 - A Special Visit

[note: This is an 8 part story written by my sister Esther.]

One time we had special company come. It was Marion Elizabeth and she brought her daughter Kim. It was so good to see them. Vernon and Kim talked about their horses and how they trained them. Vernon took her down to see his horse and found out the horse had found his way out and into the yard of our neighbor who lived across the lake. It was a good visit for Vernon and me. Kim found out Vernon liked his cookies, and told me how to make some easy ones for him using a cake mix and a few other things. They made some good ones and some fancy ones if you added some good chocolate chips and nuts and other goodies. That was one recipe I wore out just constantly making them for him and me too.

It was the company that made our stay there so nice. Almost every weekend we would have some of my family come to visit. And if we wanted to go see them, we would let them know we were coming their way to do some shopping or just for a visit. Life was so very good to both Vernon and me.

We had aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters come. Some came for a day, as they were passing through, and others came to stay a few days. All were welcomed and wanted. Some visitors were great to have and some were just nice to see. It really seemed like all was for the best and we gave thanks for the blessing we were given.

One time we had Mickey, Charles and Jerry come together for a visit. They would stay out on the lake for hours. Even Hoy, our neighbor, would go with them so they could travel in two boats. This one time, we all watched the Winter Olympics on television and the USA Hockey team were doing everything right. When they won the games and took the gold, we had to celebrate with true fervor and were so proud of the team for winning. It was a thrilling experience for me.

1 box cake mix (any flavor) lemon, spice, chocolate are good
1/2 c. vegetable oil
2 eggs
Mix oil and eggs into dry cake mix.
Drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake 350 degrees, 8-10 minutes.


Anonymous said...

This story gets better and better ... can't wait for the next parts ... Lovely !

Your Two Admirers

Anonymous said...

I want some of those cookies - they sound too good to be true ...!!!

Love all your stories, but this one is really good ... so far - hehe !